Come one, come all! It's time for the ceremony to occur! On Friday, November 13th, all those who paid club dues will be pinned and formally enter Rotaract as an official member, while our fellow officers will be inducted into the club. In addition, those who took the survey (plus paid fees) will finally be sorted into their respective families.
- Our current officers will officially be inducted for the 2015-2016 term.
- Those who paid will be able to be pinned and enter Rotaract as official members.
- Rotarian guests will assist with the pinning process.
- Members who took the survey (if you have not, please click here and complete by WEDNESDAY NIGHT, 9PM) will be introduced to their appropriate families.
Rotaract Families:
- Rotaract has been an official club for a year, inaugurated last semester. We strive in encouraging and maintaining fellowship, and keeping our core values.
- Family Heads:
- Each family is unique and has different abilities that others can attribute to. Introducing our family heads:
- Farica + Kristy - The Hearts:
- David + Sam - The Diamonds:
- Tom + Shaira - The Spades:
- How to be in a family:
- Pay dues
- Price is $20 for the entire year (2 semester)
- As stated before, PLEASE TAKE THE QUIZ BEFORE WEDNESDAY NIGHT, 9PM, as it will determine which family you belong in. Click here.
- Fun, fun, fun & Incentives:
- To earn points for your family:
- Attend meetings
- Attend volunteering events
- Instagrammy - post on Instagram with #sfsurotaract and your family suit.
- Spirit games through the year
- Bond with amazing family heads
- Personal family social events
- Free admission to end of year cabin trip to the family with most points
- Dining experience in SF
Rotaract is an open club, never excluding those who want to participate in volunteering events. However, family social events are only exclusive to those in a family.
November 13th is a very important date, and I hope everyone can join us! Can't wait to see you all on Friday!