Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Come one, come all! It's time for the ceremony to occur! On Friday, November 13th, all those who paid club dues will be pinned and formally enter Rotaract as an official member, while our fellow officers will be inducted into the club. In addition, those who took the survey (plus paid fees) will finally be sorted into their respective families.


  • Our current officers will officially be inducted for the 2015-2016 term.
  • Those who paid will be able to be pinned and enter Rotaract as official members.
  • Rotarian guests will assist with the pinning process.
  • Members who took the survey (if you have not, please click here and complete by WEDNESDAY NIGHT, 9PM) will be introduced to their appropriate families.

Rotaract Families:

  • Rotaract has been an official club for a year, inaugurated last semester. We strive in encouraging and maintaining fellowship, and keeping our core values.
  • Family Heads:
    • Each family is unique and has different abilities that others can attribute to. Introducing our family heads:
      • Farica + Kristy - The Hearts:

      • David + Sam - The Diamonds:

      • Tom + Shaira - The Spades:
  • How to be in a family:
    • Pay dues
      • Price is $20 for the entire year (2 semester)
    • As stated before, PLEASE TAKE THE QUIZ BEFORE WEDNESDAY NIGHT, 9PM, as it will determine which family you belong in. Click here.
  • Fun, fun, fun & Incentives:
    • To earn points for your family:
      • Attend meetings
      • Attend volunteering events
      • Instagrammy - post on Instagram with #sfsurotaract and your family suit.
    • Spirit games through the year
    • Bond with amazing family heads
    • Personal family social events
    • Free admission to end of year cabin trip to the family with most points
    • Dining experience in SF

Rotaract is an open club, never excluding those who want to participate in volunteering events. However, family social events are only exclusive to those in a family.

November 13th is a very important date, and I hope everyone can join us! Can't wait to see you all on Friday!

Monday, November 9, 2015


Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great Halloween and a wonderful October! I apologize for the lack of updates, but we have lots more coming up! Hope to see you all there!

October Recap:
  • Oct 11th, Italian Heritage Parade:
    • We walked with multiple Rotary and Interact clubs from District 5150 and carried the flags of all the countries Rotary International has active clubs in! It really was amazing to see the international impact that Rotary has. Here’s a photo of everyone from Rotaract who attended:
  • ​Oct 17th, Janet Pomeroy Cellar of Doom:
    • Janet Pomeroy is a recreation and rehabilitation center for people with disabilities
    • This event was zombie-hospital themed, and volunteers chose to either work as actors in the facility or ticket vendors if they didn’t want to look zombie-fied. Look at all these lively faces!
November Events:
  • Friday, November 13th: Family Induction & Pinning Ceremony
    • We will be organizing official members into their families if they wish to participate in our family system. Again, you need to be a paid member to participate.
    • The event will be from 3pm to 5pm, location at Rosa Parks F.
  •  Sunday, November 22nd: SF West Turkey Drive
    • We will be helping deliver turkeys around San Francisco area with the Rotary Club of SF West.
    • Need 3-5 members, transportation will be provided.
    • Meet up time will be at noon, location at Safeway, 625 Monterey Blvd. San Francisco CA, 94127.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Hello everyone! I hope you all have had a great weekend! And to those who started off the week badly, here are previews to some new events that can hopefully distract you for a bit! For more information about ones that interests you, please click here, or go to the 'Events' tab.

10/17/2015 Janet Pomeroy Cellar of Doom

Set Up Time: 5:30 pm
Time: 7pm-9pm
Location: 207 Skyline Blvd.
                    San Francisco, CA 94132

10/24/2015 27th Annual San Francisco Authors Luncheon

Time: 8:30 am-12pm, 12-1:30pm
Location: San Francisco Marriott Marquis
                     780 Mission St.
                     San Francisco, CA 94103


10/31/2015 11th Annual Bone & Joint Expo

Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel
                    1221 Chester Dr.
                    Foster City, CA 94404

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Well hello everyone! And for those newcomers, welcome to the SFSU Rotaract website! I hope everyone's had a great week after our Welcome Night, and if anyone missed that meeting, do not fret! Read down below for a basic recap of what we discussed:

Who are we?
  • Rotaract at SFSU is a community service organization made of individuals who want to make a difference in the San Francisco community and beyond. We were inaugurated just last year, on September 17, 2014. The international organization we’re a part of, Rotary, has a large community of adult professionals here in District 5150.
Who do we work with?
  • We collaborate with different organizations here on campus, such as Campus Recreation or La Raza. We’re always looking for opportunities to work with the SF State community.
  • We work with various Rotary Clubs here in District 5150, which stretches from Marin to the Peninsula, such as our sponsoring Rotary Club of SF West, and the Rotary Club of San Francisco #2, which as the second Rotary Club to be founded in the world! We also work with different non-profit organizations across San Francisco, like Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly and Janet Pomeroy, for instance.
Please note our upcoming events for October:
  • October 11 (Sunday): Italian Heritage Parade
    • We’ll be walking in the parade bearing flags of the different countries with Rotary Clubs
    • You get a free T-Shirt, designed by our very own Shaira!
  • October 16 (Friday): Free Family Dinner & Movie at the OMI Family Resource Center
    • Details will be on the Facebook event page as well as emailed out at a later time
  • October 18 (Sunday): Block Party & Flea Market in Inner Sunset
    • Details will be on the Facebook event page as well as emailed out at a later time
  • October 24: Janet Pomeroy
    • Janet Pomeroy is putting on a pumpkin patch for Halloween for the kids
    • We'll be helping with set up as well as being out in the pumpkin patch doing "Casper" friendly scares
  • For details about volunteering, please contact our Community Service Chairperson, Shaira Tumaneng: stumaneng18@gmail.com 
  • For details about socials, please contact our Public Relations Chairperson, David Truong: davidtr510@gmail.com 

In addition to socials, you can also get to know your fellow Rotaractors through our family system! We’re divided into three suits: the Diamonds, the Hearts, and the Spades. We will divide members into families after membership dues are collected.

In order for us to record your hours with the club we do have a membership fee. As mentioned before, our membership fee is $10 for the week of September 20th, then goes up to $15 the week of September 27th, and afterwards general membership is $20. All prices are for the whole year. With your membership you become an Official Member of Rotaract, and receive a membership card and a Rotaract pin, as well as credit for your volunteering hours. We announce a formal pinning ceremony once all membership dues are accepted.

  • To pay THIS WEEK, please visit our table in the quad WThF 10-12pm.
  • To pay the week of October 4th, please visit our table in the quad MWF from 10-12pm.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Hello to all you beautiful people out there! I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer and a fantastic start to the new semester! To kick off this year with a bang, Rotaract's Welcome Night is THIS Thursday, 9/22/15! There's going to be FREE pizza, so bring your lovely selves and your friends so you can enjoy this free food and learn more about all the fun things that this club offers. Hope to see you all there!